Dedicated to documenting your most treasured days


Nice to have you here!

Hello and welcome to Vadim ERSY's website, a talented and experienced wedding photographer who is dedicated to capturing the beautiful moments of your special day.


Being a wedding photographer means so much to me. It's a combination of my passion for the profession, which was already practiced by my parents, and the charm of being able to capture moments of eternity.


Every wedding is unique to me, and every moment on your wedding day brings a smile to my face.


As a passionate photographer for over  13 years.

I approach weddings with a distinct editorial approach while infusing my architectural training into my images.


In my free time, I enjoy reading, walking my dog Danny, and listening to music. Mountains and the sea attract me with the magic of their power and the world they radiate.


As a destination wedding photographer, my mission is to capture your love story with an artistic eye and a professional approach.

Discover images

without a shelf life,

moments frozen in time.

Feel free to contact me:  

Always in touch with you